Theory and History of Architecture and Communication Techniques departmental section
Department website:
Department information on the UPC Directory
Head of section
Ramon Graus Rovira
Teaching staff at EPSEB during the current academic year:
Graus Rovira, Ramon
Hernández Falagán, David
Martorell Argemí, Bartomeu Jesús
Navarro González, Ruben
Navas Ferrer, Teresa
Reboredo Raposo, Antonio
Rossello Nicolau, Maribel
Sanmarti Martinez, Claudia
Subjects taught during the current academic year:
Code | Name | Degree | Year/block |
310749 | Architecture and Construction of the House. History and Heritage Values for Rehabilitation | ATE19 | OPT |
310711 | Architecture, Construction and the City in Western History | ATE19 | 1B |
310400 | Engineering in the Architecture of the 20th and 21st Century | MUCAE | OBL |
310180 | Historical-Arquitectonical-Constructive Analysis in Existing Buildings | MUDIATEC | OBL |
310188 | Intervention Project | MUDIATEC | OBL |
310404 | Introduction to Renovations of Existing Building | MUCAE | OBL |
310706 | Workshop 1: Learning From Traditional Construction | ATE19 | 1A |
310730 | Workshop 5: Diagnosis | ATE19 | 3A |
310739 | Workshop 7: Rehabilitation | ATE19 | 4A |