

Enrolment is an essential procedure for receiving instruction and taking examinations on the various degree courses taught at the EPSEB.

There are two enrolment periods in a given academic year, one for each semester:

    • First period: Enrolment for the autumn semester (Q1) from July to September
    • Second period: Enrolment for for the spring semester (Q2) in February


Enrolment envisages three kinds of students:

    • Those who are enrolling for the first time in a degree course at the EPSEB (new students)
    • Those who have already enrolled in previous semesters in the degree course they are taking at the EPSEB (non-first year students)
    • Those who have been nominated by their home institution as exchange students at our School (Incoming students)


Click on the links below for all of the information on enrolment for each type of student:

Contact details and office hours