Administration and support (UTGAEB)
Barcelona Building Construction Management and Support Unit
The Barcelona Building Construction Management and Support Unit provides support and services to the academic units and users that carry out teaching, research and knowledge transfer at the EPSEB.
Here, you can see the different areas of the UTG and the serveices that each of them manages, in addition to the contact details and opening hours for users.
Head of administration: Susana Morente Gil
Areas of the Barcelona Building Construction Management and Support Unit
- Bachelor's and Master's Degree Planning and Management Area (academic secretary's office)
- Resource and Service Management and Research and Results Transfer Management Support Area
- Information and communications technology (ICT) Services
- Institutional Support and External Relations Area
- Laboratory Support
Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Planning and Management Area (academic secretary’s office)
Head of the Area: Carme López Àrboles
- Eugènia Argerich Sabaté
- Olga Elias Martí
- Marta Farré Nicolau
- Ana Juan Hernández
- Eva Llonch Comadran
- Elena Isabel Rivero Pacheco
Services of the area
- Front office and procedures management
- Academic planning
- Admission to the studies
- Exchange mobility
Contact details
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 08 62
- Exchange mobility:
- Telèfon: (+34) 93 401 09 35
Resource and Service Management and Research and Results Transfer Management Support Area
Head of the Area: Amalia Guirola Carballar
- Ignasi Andújar Flores
- Maria Batlló Coll
- Ester Delgado Delgado
- Maria Ferrés Redondo
- Cristina Lacalle i Cuspinera
- Paula Martínez Felices
- Lourdes Puerta Sánchez
- Carlos Rodríguez Escorihuela
- Carlos Vega Coronas
Reception/auxiliary services
- Laura Casugas Huergo (Head of reception)
- Alicia Correa Cano (Person in charge in the afternoons)
- Rosa Maria Feijoo Carballada
- José Antonio Jurado Rodríguez
Services of the area
- Resource and economic management
- Management of internships in companies
- Research management and transfer of results
- Reception
Contact details
- Resource and Service Management
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 62 58
- Management of internships in companies
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 62 81
- Research management and transfer of results
- E-mail:
- Telephone: (+34) 93 401 57 15
- Reception
- E-mail:
- Telephone: (+34) 93 401 63 00
Information and communications technology (ICT) Services
Head of the Area: Jordi Solé Esteve (acting)
- Jordi Gallifa Calatayud
- Cristina Morales Esteban
- pending competition
- pending competition
Services of the area
- ICT support
To teaching
To research
To university management
To users
- Computer classrooms
Contact details
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 63 09
Institutional Support and External Relations Area
Head of the Area: M. Carmen Asensio Castell
- Chantal Alastruey Martin
- Esther Cantos Borràs
- María Antonia Gómez Zueco
Director's secretary: Sonia Betalú Ramirez
Services of the area
- Strategic planning
- Advertisement of the studies and activities for future students
- Institutional communication and external projection
- Coordination of institutional events
- Quality
- Support to governing bodies
- Secretary of direction
Contact details
- Institutional Support and External Relations
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 405 42 33
- Director's secretary
- E-mail:
- Telephone: (+34) 93 401 62 60
Laboratory Support
Contact details of Building Construction Laboratory
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 77 01
- Website:
Contact details of Fire Laboratory
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 64 93 / 93 401 68 16
- Website:
Contact details of Materials Laboratory
- E-mail address:
- Tel.: (+34) 93 401 62 34
- Website:
The rest of the laboratories, centers and workshops of the EPSEB do not have a PAS of the UTGAEB that gives them support, if you want to contact the teaching staff responsible for each unit, you will find their contact information in the Laboratories and workshops page.