Workshop Heritage, City and Territory
The workshop addresses, from different approaches, the study and analysis of the heritage that conforms the cities and defines the territory.
A line of work has an instrumental character for the careful knowledge of the architectural heritage: it carries out surveys, with state-of-the-art techniques, to guarantee the bases of a future intervention.
Services are allowed for:
- Surveys of heritage buildings and historical centers, generating graphic and digital documentation in CAD 2D, 3D models, orthoimages and photogrammetry.
- Upgrades for structural analysis with laser scanner.
- Virtual tours for tourist promotion.
Working group: Jordi Xiqués, Marc Sanabra, Gustavo de Gispert i Raúl Rubio
Agreements are currently being developed with CAPTAE SL and ÍSCAR Architecture software.
A second line of work is based on the historical approach and the understanding of the political, social and spatial components that make up the cities, neighborhoods and territories.
The working group is part of SGR ACM-Anàlisis Crítiques de la Modernitat. Architecture and City and currently develops the research project:
HAR2017-82965-R The revolution of the daily working environment and popular: housing and urban space in the Nou Barris district of Barcelona, 1950-1975. Main researcher José Luis Oyón
Working group: Manuel Guàrdia, David H. Falagan, José Luis Oyón, Joan Roger, Maribel Rosselló
Research director: Maribel Rosselló Nicolau
Activity type: D2-R