

Research lines

The lines of research followed by researchers on this master's degree are the following:

Ergonomic study of workplaces

The aims are to design workplaces (activities) that take into account functional requirements and to make the activities and the requirements compatible so that workers can respond efficiently, while remaining committed to workers' psychological and physiological capacities; in addition, to determine limits on workers’ actions as far as their physical, motor, visual, auditory, olfactory and proprioceptive capacities are concerned and, above all, to consider the interactions between these requisites and the demands of the tasks that the workers carry out.

Integration of prevention and ergonomics in companies

The barriers we tend to place between people and hazardous elements or processes to prevent accidents or incidents require exhaustive analysis and in-depth knowledge of people's capacity for action. Because of this, the systematic application of ergonomics in prevention, whether in tools, products or processes, is critical to the search for "zero accidents and zero incidents"

Corporate social responsibility and reputation

Today, the impact of brand reputation is a critical element for the sustainability of businesses. Organisations have an ethical obligation to respond to the society in which they are embedded. In-depth knowledge of the "localisation" of the company and the ability to give an account of all of the efforts made to benefit society have become a strategic nexus of organisations that goes beyond compliance with the usual standards.

Evaluation and validation of the design of products according to ergonomic criteria

The Operational Review of Ergonomic Design (Revisión Operativa del Diseño Ergonómico, RODE) has distinguished itself as a fine methodological instrument, since it enables evaluation of a product’s most basic ergonomic aspects, such as biomechanics, effort, touch and visual impact, to those that involve its entire life cycle, from its conception to its demise.

The detailed analysis of physical characteristics such as nanomaterials, degradation, use of the time variable in the ageing of a product, the geolocalisation of materials and transport, etc. allows us to generate products with high added value and that are therefore sustainable and respectful of habitats.

The lines of research followed by researchers at the Center for Research in Occupational Health (CISAL) of the Pompeu Fabra University focus on the epidemiological analysis of injuries due to work accidents, occupational diseases—with an emphasis on musculoskeletal disorders—and temporary and permanent disabilities, and assess their relationship with the welfare state and particularly with Social Security benefits.

Burden of occupational disease (PD) in the National Health System

Labor trajectories and their impact on health

Surveys on Working Conditions and Occupational Health Indicators


With the onset of the pandemic, telework and related legislation have increased significantly.

We investigate telework’s positive effects and its problems, which are mainly due to the lack of preparation for the new ways of working that are being observed.

Mental workload

This is a classic theme in ergonomics and applied psychosociology. It has become more complex with the advent of telework, which has increased problems arising from the use of ICTs.

Problems related to decision making and communication between staff can lead to work-related psychopathology and errors.

Management of psychosocial risks

An ageing workforce and the emergence of new technical guidelines (ITSS criteria) and international standards (ISO 45005 and ISO 45003, associated with ISO 45001) have generated new approaches to managing psychosocial risks, of staff who telework especially and of isolated workers.


Websites for the scientific production of researchers

Here you will find the websites for the scientific production of the researchers of this master's degree:








Global access to UPC knowledge

Here you will find the recent submissions of the master's degree theses that belong to the master's degree in Occupational Health and Safety:
