
Curriculum, general information and admission

What you will study on the bachelor's degree in Geoinformation and Geomatics Engineering

In the first year, you will take subjects that are common to all engineering degrees but with an emphasis on the subjects areas of the bachelor's degree: geoinformation and cartography, geomatic instruments and methods, and computer-aided design.

From the second year onwards, you will study the degree's subject areas in more depth, and you will be able to take subjects related to:

    • Global positioning systems (GPS-GNSS)
    • Smart cities
    • Big data processing
    • Use of geoinformation for mobile applications
    • Implementation of geoservices
    • Spatial databases
    • Geographic information systems (GIS)
    • Digital photogrammetry (including the use of drones)

Teaching model

Learning is continuous and applied: approximately 50% of the credits for the degree are devoted to practical training, which takes place in the School's laboratories and specialised classrooms.

Bachelor's thesis

In the last year, you will write a thesis in the field of specific geoinformation and geomatics engineering technologies. The thesis is of a professional nature and serves to synthesise and integrate the competencies acquired on the degree.

General information and admission

  • Duration: 4 years
  • Study load: 240 ECTS credits
  • Pre-enrolment code: 31087
  • Minimum entrance mark: 6,17 (June 2023)
  • Timetable: Mornings and afternoons
  • New places: 40 (September)
  • Places for students changing degree: 5
  • Admission profile: Applicants should have taken science and technology subjects in their upper secondary school education
  • Fees, grants and financial aid: Consult fees, grants and payment options
  • Official degree: Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree

University pre-registration in the portal: Accesnet


Aquestes són les competències que adquiriràs en acabar el grau:

Generic competencies

Generic competencies are the skills that graduates acquire regardless of the specific course or field of study. The generic competencies established by the UPC are capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English), teamwork, proper use of information resources; an awareness and understanding, in the field of the degree, of sexual and gender inequality in society; the ability to integrate needs and preferences by reasons of sex and gender in designing solutions and solving problems.

General competencies

The general competencies for the degree, as specified in the section 3 of the appendix of Order CIN/353/2009, are the following:

    • The ability to design and develop geomatics and surveying projects.
    • The ability to analyse, record and organise knowledge of the environment and of the distribution of property and to use this information for land planning and administration.
    • The ability to analyse and understand problems related to the implementation in the land of infrastructure, constructions and buildings and to carry out this implementation.
    • A capacity for decision making, leadership and the management of human resources and multidisciplinary teams working with spatial information.
    • The ability to determine, measure, evaluate and represent land, three-dimensional objects, points and paths.
    • The ability to interpret information on land, both in geographic and economic terms.
    • The ability to manage and implement research, development and innovation projects in the relevant field.
    • The ability to plan, design, direct, execute and manage measuring processes, information systems, image use, positioning and navigation; the ability to model, represent and visualise spatial information, both for the land's surface and the seabed.
    • The ability to plan, design, direct, implement and manage processes and products applicable to civil works, building construction and environmental, agricultural, forest and mining engineering in the geomatics field.
    • The ability to plan, design, direct, implement and manage processes and products applicable to the information society, in the geomatics field.
    • The ability to plan, design, direct, implement and manage processes and products applicable to real estate and land registration, spatial planning and valuation, in the geomatics field.