
Academic information

 Below you will find details of the academic information that will be useful to you before your stay at our school: 



The language of instruction on the bachelor's degree in Geoinformation and Geomatics Engineering is Spanish, which is also the language of instruction on the four master's degrees taught at the EPSEB: the master’s degree in Advanced Building Construction, the master's degree in Building Construction Management, the master’s degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction and the master's degree in Occupational Health and Safety.

On the bachelor's degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction, the languages of instruction are Catalan and Spanish, although some class groups for compulsory subjects are taught entirely in Spanish. Nevertheless, a group of subjects is taught entirely in English.

The deadlines for submitting all the required documents are the following:

    • First semester (September-January) and a whole academic year: 15 June
    • Second semester (February-June): 15 December