Having your thesis assessed

Once the thesis defence has ended, the examination committee, in the presence of your thesis supervisor, will assess the thesis and fill in the report.

All of the documents will be sent to the academic management area and the mark will be recorded in your academic record.

Once you have confirmed in the e-Secretaria that your academic record has been closed, you will be able to apply for your degree certificate.

Please note that the mark will not be recorded in your academic record if there are any anomalies in the documents (signature, language of the defence, etc.).

Proposals for Distinctions

According to the Academic Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees, a Distinction can be awarded to any student who is awarded a final mark equal to or greater than 9.0. No more than 5% of the students enrolled in a subject in a particular teaching period may receive a Distinction, except when fewer than 20 students are enrolled, in which case one Distinction may be awarded.

In the case of bachelor's and master’s theses, the examination committee may propose that a Distinction be awarded.

If the Distinctions awarded to students with ordinary enrolment reach 5%, no Distinction may be awarded to students who chose extended enrolment for the bachelor’s or master's thesis.

Students who are proposed for a distinction in the first ordinary call in the semester in which they have enrolled will have to wait until the second ordinary call has ended to know whether the distinction has been confirmed and that therefore their academic record can be closed and they can apply for the degree certificate. Students who do not wish to wait and who wish to apply for the degree certificate before the second ordinary call must renounce the proposal for a distinction. The mark may not be changed later under any circumstances.

On any of the UPC's degrees with semestral enrolment, students may apply for an exemption in the enrolment for the first semester for the credits earned with a distinction and that were not applied in the previous academic year. In addition, they may ask for an exemption in the enrolment for the second semester for the credits earned with a distinction and that were not applied in the previous academic year and for the credits earned with a distinction in the first semester of the same academic year, on any of the UPC's degrees. (Administrative and economic management procedures linked to the 2019-2020 Academic Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees).

In the case of master's degrees, this exemption is only applicable for credits taken at this university.