
Admission to bachelor’s degrees for transferred students

Preliminary information

Students who can have at least 30 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects recognised may be admitted via this route, without them having to pre-enrol.

If your entrance route is through university entrance examinations, from other education systems, from a higher training cycle (CFGS) or for applicants aged over 25, consult the section Admission to bachelor’s degrees via university pre-enrolment, which you will find in the Links section in Administrative procedures.

The entrance routes that allow you to apply for admission to the EPSEB directly are the following:

  • Transfer from another university and/or official Spanish university degree (with a partially completed official Spanish university degree)
      • Students who wish to transfer from another university and/or from an official Spanish university degree may apply for admission directly, without them having to get a place through pre-enrolment if they have at least 30 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects recognised. Credits corresponding to the bachelor’s thesis will not be recognised under any circumstances.
      • Students who have already graduated will not be admitted via this route, given that the transfer involves closing the academic record at the university of origin in all cases, nor will students who are affected by the minimum academic progress requirements on the original degree if it was taken at the UPC.
      • Students taking a bachelor’s degree at the UPC and who only need to complete their bachelor’s thesis to graduate, students from other universities and students taking a degree that is being phased out who, having had credits recognised, need to pass fewer than 60 ECTS credits on the degree to which they are seeking admission will not be admitted.

  • Students who have studied at foreign universities
      • Students who have studied at foreign universities, whether or not they have completed the degree, may be admitted via this route.
      • If they have finished a degree that qualifies them to practise a regulated profession, they may apply for the homologation of the degree to the corresponding official university degree or its validation, although they may not apply for both at the same time.
      • If homologation is not granted, the degree holder may request partial validation of the degree, provided that the decision not to grant the homologation was not based on any of the grounds for exclusion established by royal decree.
      • Students who can have at least 30 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects validated (the bachelor's thesis may not be validated under any circumstances) must apply for admission to the School directly and must not pre-enrol.
      • Students who have fewer than 30 ECTS credits validated must pre-enrol for the degree taught at the school that has granted the validation and must submit the validation certificate issued by the school.


Students must fill in the application for admission in the UPC's e-services portal and follow the procedure Sol·licitud d'accés directe a estudis de la UPC per canvi d’estudis, centre o universitat [Application for direct admission to UPC degrees for transferred students].

If the student has not applied for the recognition/validation review, the required documents must be submitted, in addition to the application form, and the corresponding fee must be paid. Find all the information on this procedure here.

You must attach the following documents:

Applicants who have studied in Spain

    • Official academic transcript (original or certified copy) (*)
    • Degree curriculum (published by the school)
    • Course descriptions (published by the school)
    • Receipt for the review fee
    • A copy of your DNI or NIE
(*) UPC students may provide a copy of their student record held in the e-Secretaria instead of their official academic transcript.


Applicants who have studied abroad (**)
    • Official academic transcript
    • Curriculum (published by the school)
    • Course descriptions (published by the school)
    • Receipt for the review fee
    • A copy of your NIE or passport

(**) All these documents must be official, original and issued by the competent authorities. They must have been legalised through diplomatic channels (see Appendix 1, Legalisation of documents issued abroad, in the Academic Regulations for Bachelor’s Degree Courses).


When you submit the application form, the School's academic secretary will issue a receipt for the payment that will be sent to the e-mail address you gave in your application. You can do the payment at any CaixaBank, Caixa d’Enginyers or Banc de Santander branch.

Consult the application periods for each academic year and semester by clicking on UPC academic calendar.



The School will publish the list of students who have been admitted via this route on its website before the enrolment period. The students admitted will also be contacted by e-mail with instructions on how to enrol.