
Guidelines for recognition/validation of university courses of study

Preliminary information

Recognition implies accepting the credits earned as counting towards the award of an official degree. This recognition involves the establishment of equivalence, in terms of specific and/or cross-disciplinary competencies and student workload, between subjects on official degrees.

The recognition review must always consider courses taken as part of the original degree and never courses that have previously been validated, adapted or recognised.


Students must fill in the application for admission in the UPC's e-services portal and follow the corresponding procedure.

You must attach the following documents:

Applicants who have studied in Spain

    • Official academic transcript (original or certified copy) (*)
    • Curriculum (published by the school)
    • Course descriptions (published by the school)
    • Receipt showing the review fee has been paid
    • A copy of your DNI or NIE

(*) UPC students may provide a copy of their student record held in the e-Secretaria instead of their official academic transcript.

Applicants who have studied abroad (**)
    • Official academic transcript
    • Degree curriculum (published by the school)
    • Course descriptions (published by the school)
    • Receipt showing the review fee has been paid
    • A copy of your NIE or passport
(**) All of these documents must be official, original and issued by the competent authorities. They must have been legalised through diplomatic channels (see Appendix 1, Legalisation of Documents Issued Abroad, in the Academic Regulations for Bachelor's Degree Courses).


When you submit the application form, the School's academic secretary will issue a receipt for the payment that will be sent to the e-mail address you gave in your application. You can do the payment at any CaixaBank, Caixa d’Enginyers or Banc de Santander branch.



Once the recognition/validation review has been done, the decision is communicated to the interested party by e-mail.