
Admission to bachelor’s degrees via university pre-enrolment


Preliminary information

To gain admission to the first year of a bachelor's degree you must go through the university pre-enrolment process.

However, you will not have to go through this process if you are transferring from another university or another official Spanish degree, or if you are applying for partial validation of a degree taken outside Spain, consult the section Admission to bachelor’s degrees for transferred students. These procedures are carried out at the university within the periods established to this effect.

University pre-enrolment is available to the following types of applicants:

    • Applicants who have passed the Spanish university entrance examinations (PAU) or similar
    • Applicants who have a Spanish higher-level qualification or similar
    • Applicants who have a foreign degree
    • University graduates or similar
    • University entrance examination for applicants aged over 25

Applicants aged over 40 who have professional experience may not seek admission to a bachelor's degree at the EPSEB and no places are available for those who have taken the examination for applicants aged over 45.

University pre-enrolment according to the type of applicant

  • Applicants who have passed the Spanish university entrance examinations (PAU) or similar

University pre-enrolment. (Follow the link on the right-hand side of this page).

  • Applicants who have a Spanish higher-level qualification or similar

University pre-enrolment. (Follow the link on the right-hand side of this page).

In an agreement with the Catalan government, equivalences have been established between some higher training cycles (CFGS) and bachelor's degrees, so students will not necessarily have to take all of the subjects. (Consult the equivalence table in the Links section.) If admission is being sought via this route no procedure will be necessary. If the route is another, the form on this page can be used.

  • Applicants who have a foreign degree

You must do university pre-enrolment (follow the link on the right-hand side of this page). If at least 30 ECTS credits can be recognised, you must apply for admission to the School directly, and you cannot do university pre-enrolment (consult admission of transferred students).

EU students or from countries that have signed international agreements and who meet the requirements in their country for admission to university may pre-enrol under the same conditions as students who have passed the Spanish university entrance examinations. Further information is available on the UNED's website.

Students who did their secondary education in foreign educational systems and who are seeking admission to university must homologate their secondary education. This may be deemed equivalent to Spanish upper secondary school education (bachillerato) or a higher training cycle (CFGS). In the first case, applicants must pass the UNED's university entrance examinations for foreigners; in the second, applicants may pre-enrol directly.

  • University graduates or similar

University pre-enrolment. (Follow the link on the right-hand side of this page).

University graduates or holders of foreign degrees that have been homologated who wish to study for another degree.

  • Applicants aged over 25

University pre-enrolment. (Follow the link on the right-hand side of this page).

University entrance examination for applicants aged over 25.

Publication of the list of students admitted

Once the university pre-enrolment period has ended, the list of students admitted will be published on the pre-enrolment website.


Students can consult the school's website for information on the enrolment date and the documents to be submitted so that they can go on to enrol.