Thesis defence calendar

The semester in which you enrol your bachelor's or master's thesis determines when you can defend it.

Therefore, you need to be very clear which exam sessions are open to you in view of your thesis enrolment.

For further information on this, see the section Theses > Schedules and calendars.

When you know the session in which you will be defending your thesis you will need to find out the exact dates:

Qualifying court: next calls

 2023-2024 academic year

  • June-July defences

    Dates to take into account. Students enrolled in: GATE, GEGG, MUCAE, MUDIATEC, MUGE and MUPRL


 2024-2025 academic year


  • April-May defences

    Dates to take into account. Students enrolled in: GATE, GEGG, MUCAE, MUGE and MUPRL.

  • June-July defences

    Dates to take into account. Students enrolled in: GATE, GEGG, MUCAE, MUDGI, MUDIATEC, MUGE and MUPRL