

The EPSEB is involved in various lines of research in which students on the master's degree in Building Construction Management can participate, either within a subject, in the production of their master's thesis or as a continuation of the master's degree on one of our doctoral programmes.


Lines of research

The research lines include:

Urbanism and smart cities

The main areas of research within this line are the following:

    • Sustainable urban development
    • Modern urban and architectural heritage
    • New technologies applied to urbanism and urban design
    • Architecture and urbanism in Latin America
    • Sustainable mobility infrastructure and public space

Business administration and management

The Business Administration and Management area is made up of researchers in a wide range of research lines and topics related to business management, including the following:

    • Occupational health and safety
    • Standardised management systems
    • Productivity analysis
    • Transport management and economics
    • Business strategy

This line is associated with the interuniversity doctoral degree in Business Administration and Management.

Construction engineering

Research on improving the energy efficiency of buildings by implementing low-cost and non-invasive techniques. This line of research focuses on improving the energy behaviour of existing buildings and covers aspects related to the functioning and control of buildings and larger clusters (neighbourhoods, districts, cities, etc.).

Research is also carried out in this area on the durability of elements and systems and on the useful life of materials and systems.

This line is associated with the doctoral degree in Construction Engineering.

Environmental engineering

Research on modelling the built environment. This line of research includes the modelling of all the actions needed to improve the operation, maintenance and management of not just new and existing buildings but also of neighbourhoods, districts and cities.

This line is associated with the doctoral degree in Environmental Engineering.

Statistics and operations research

Research on longitudinal and survival models and missing data.

This line is associated with the doctoral degree in Statistics and Operations Research.


Website for the scientific production of researchers

Here you will find the website for the scientific production of the researchers of this master's degree:


Website for the scientific production of the EPSEB researchers


Global access to UPC knowledge

Here you will find the recent submissions of the master's degree theses that belong to the master's degree in Building Construction Management:

