
Curriculum, general information and admission

What you will study on the master's degree in Building Construcion Management

Teaching model

The master's degree is structured so that the compulsory subjects give students tools and knowledge in the fields of economic management, quality, energy and built heritage, and in company management and construction sector projects.

The aim of the optional subjects and the master's thesis is for students to deepen their knowledge of the aspects of building construction management that most interest them (such as project management, the use of integral management tools or real estate marketing) as a step towards greater specialisation on a doctoral degree or to improve their professional standing.

Master's thesis

Students on the master's degree can carry out their master's thesis in departments, laboratories or research groups at the School, at a company or within the framework of a mobility programme.


Generic competencies

Generic competencies are the skills that graduates acquire regardless of the specific course or field of study. The generic competencies established by the UPC are capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English), teamwork and proper use of information resources; an awareness and understanding, in the field of the degree, of sexual and gender inequality in society; the ability to integrate needs and preferences by reasons of sex and gender in designing solutions and solving problems.

Specific competencies

Upon completion of the master’s degree, students will have acquired the following specific competencies:

  • They will know how to apply techniques for analysing resource planning in building construction firms.
  • They will know how to implement information systems in companies.
  • They will be able to manage strategic and infrastructure planning and programming and apply them to the management, planning and control of operations.
  • They will know how to apply techniques for auditing construction processes in the areas of quality, safety and the environment.
  • They will be able to implement resource management models in building construction firms.
  • They will be able to analyse a firm's financial and accounting operations, particularly in the building construction sector.
  • They will be able to identify the strategic management models used in building construction firms.
  • They will know how to apply strategic and operational aspects of production planning techniques.
  • They will be able to carry out real-estate valuations and appraisals of non-complex assets.
  • They will be able to design systems of indicators for building construction processes.
  • They will be able to analyse and apply cost control systems.
  • They will be able to analyse management models that are appropriate to the building construction process.
  • They will be able to implement standardised integral management systems (quality, safety and the environment).
  • They will be able to carry out reliability analyses and life-cycle studies of buildings and their components.
  • They will be able to manage a building's energy consumption, improve energy efficiency and reduce running costs.
  • They will be able to integrate the competencies acquired in Building Construction Management in their master’s theses.

General information and admission


Admission and documents