
Curriculum, general information and admission

What you will study on the master's degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction

This master’s degree offers training that complements that provided in bachelor’s degrees in Architecture, Architectural Technology and/or Civil Engineering, covering fundamental aspects of rehabilitation and restoration, as well as developing the competencies required for a deeper understanding of the construction process. The programme also provides advanced professional and research training.

Teaching model

The master's degree combines theoretical classes with the study of real cases and a work-related approach. A substantial part of the learning is acquired by working on diagnosing and designing an intervention in a building. You work on a single case study in all of the subjects on the master's degree, which allows you to approach rehabilitation and restoration holistically and from a professional point of view.

You take part in a programme of specialised seminars, trips, technical visits, laboratory practicals and other activities. Teamwork and independent learning skills are priority objectives on the master's degree.

During the first semester you acquire skills focused on the diagnosis stage taken from the range of disciplines and methodological tools that make up the teaching programme. You then work on intervention criteria and techniques and the distinctive features of rehabilitation design. The teaching schedule allows you to combine the master's degree with professional activities and in-company placements.

Master's thesis

Students on the master's degree can carry out their master's thesis in departments, laboratories or research groups at the School or at a company. The master's thesis may be developed in any geographical place depending on the location of the case study


Generic competencies

Generic competencies are the skills that graduates acquire regardless of the specific course or field of study. The generic competencies established by the UPC are capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English), teamwork and proper use of information resources; an awareness and understanding, in the field of the degree, of sexual and gender inequality in society; the ability to integrate needs and preferences by reasons of sex and gender in designing solutions and solving problems.

Specific competencies

    • To recognise the materials and construction techniques of each historical period and evaluate their influence in architectural terms.
      • To identify key aspects of the process of historical documentation of buildings.
        • To design a rehabilitation intervention based on a building’s history.
          • To apply advanced graphic surveying techniques in the examination of existing buildings.
            • To describe the phenomena of heat exchange, thermal perception, indoor air quality, ventilation, lighting conditions and noise propagation and control.
              • To gain knowledge of the thermal performance and energy efficiency of existing buildings.
                • To model building structures and evaluate their capacity.
                  • To gain knowledge of material characterisation techniques and solve specific problems related to these techniques.
                    • To learn about methods of assessment based on observed or measured data and the results of processes of analysis with numerical support.
                      • To analyse and apply the analysis processes studied to solve specific problems related to existing buildings in order to complete a diagnosis.
                        • To make decisions based on the analysis of results.
                          • To gain knowledge of specific techniques for damage repair and the improvement of existing buildings.
                            • To apply the knowledge gained to prepare rehabilitation plans.
                              • To carry out and present and defend before an examination committee an original, individual piece of work consisting of a project of a professional nature, related to diagnosis and intervention techniques in building construction, that synthesises and integrates the competencies acquired on the master’s degree.

                              General information and admission


                              Admission and documents