Double degrees and mobility

International mobility

Mobility consists of a period of study in another country during which students are exempt from paying academic fees at the host institution. At the end of the mobility period, the EPSEB will recognise in academic terms the courses you have taken. The EPSEB's offer of mobility includes academic exchange programmes involving students from all over the world. It aims to promote internationalisation and to provide students with an ever-wider range of opportunities.

More than 100 mobility places are available.

Double degrees

A double degree allows you to graduate with two bachelor's degrees by combining subjects from two different degrees. At the EPSEB you can take national and international double degrees.


The double degree lasts five years, at the end of which students are awarded the bachelor's degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction of the Barcelona School of Building Construction and the bachelor's degree in Public Works Engineering (Civil Constructions pathway) of the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.

The aim is to produce specialists in all areas of construction, from building construction to public works, thus responding to labour market demand for professionals who are competent in both of these fields.

The curriculum of the double degree has been designed so that the two bachelor's degrees are worked towards in parallel. Basic subjects are generally taken before more specific subjects.


  • With this double degree students will:
  • ­Enjoy a wider range of professional opportunities.
  • ­Acquire a wider range of technical skills, both in building construction and in public works.
  • ­Become professionals with a broader view of the labour market.
  • ­Secure a better position in their access to the labour market.
  • ­Gain employment that is more highly sought-after and better paid.