
Contact details and office hours of the EPSEB Services

Barcelona Building Construction Management and Support Unit

The Barcelona Building Construction Management and Support Unit provides support and services to the academic units and users that carry out teaching, research and knowledge transfer at the EPSEB. The head of the Unit is:

Susana Morente Gil  


Bachelor's and Master's Degree Planning and Management Area (academic secretary's office)

Contact details Academic secretary's office

Resource and Service and Research and Results Transfer Management Support Area

Contact details Resource and Service Management

Contact details Research and Results Transfer Management

Contact details of Reception

Information and communications technology (ICT) Services

Contact details ICT Services

Institutional Support and External Relations Area

Contact details Institutional Support and External Relations

Contact details of the director's secretary

Laboratory Support

Contact details of Building Construction Laboratory

Contact details of Fire Laboratory

Contact details of Materials Laboratory

The rest of the laboratories, centers and workshops of the EPSEB do not have a PAS of the UTGAEB that gives them support, if you want to contact the teaching staff responsible for each unit, you will find their contact information in the Laboratories and workshops page