

The Interdisciplinary Group on Building Science and Technology (GICITED) carries out applied research in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of heritage and listed buildings that require very precise interventions and research into materials that can often only be done in collaboration among professionals, institutions, universities and businesses. It also considers non-heritage, non-listed buildings that are not closely protected but require the same rigour and focus as landmark buildings in any intervention. Examples are more anonymous constructions such as blocks of flats, single-family homes and industrial buildings.

At the EPSEB's materials laboratory research is carried out on development and innovation in construction materials from two perspectives:

Characterisation of materials

    • Natural cement
    • New Sandstone
    • Lime
    • Lime paint
    • Radiata pine
    • Parrot's Mix
    • Sorel cement
    • Geopolymers
    • Plaster

Development of construction materials and solutions

    • Continuous paving
    • Hydraulic mosaics and artificial stone
    • Shrinkage-compensating additives for concrete
    • Lime concrete

In addition, several of the professors on the master's degree participate in Smart Rehabilitation 3.0, an Erasmus+ project with European funding and the participation of four universities: the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the University of Palermo, the University of Cyprus and Kaunas University.


Website for the scientific production of researchers

Here you will find the website for the scientific production of the researchers of this master's degree:


Website for the scientific production of the EPSEB researchers


Global access to UPC knowledge

Here you will find the recent submissions of the master's degree theses that belong to the master's degree in Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques in Building Construction:

